Everyday beauty

As a reminder of how much we miss when we forget to look around us, I plan to post one image or observation every day.

Monday 12 September 2011

Cats' eyes

Jewel green in iridescent gold, set in a black-rimmed almond. The perfect ellipsis of the pupil in daylight. In darkness, the cat's eye becomes a doorway to deep space.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Wet sand

The light reflected on wet sand. A walk on the beach on a dark, damp day offers the pleasures of light and contrast, reflections and shadows, surface and distance. 

China bowl

I love these bowls. They belonged to my grandmother. The pattern is so simple, just dogtooth triangles with a tiny dot between each' tooth'. It looks as if it may have been applied by transfer, but possibly painted on by hand. In some places, the pattern is sharp. Elsewhere it has blurred and the sides of the triangles are not quite straight. I have an idea in my head that the plates - or bowls, they are somewhere between the two - came from an ocean liner. Their simplicity is their beauty: just short of the purely utilitarian.  

Marrow skin

When you look closely at the pattern on marrow skin you realise you are entering the world of chaos theory: Mandelbrot sets and Moebius loops.